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Finding time for exercise can be challenging, especially when you have a busy life. Whether you’re a working parent, a night shift worker, an entrepreneur, a student, a commuter, or a stay-at-home parent, fitting exercise into your day can seem like a daunting task. As a mother and a physical therapist running her own business, I understand the struggle. I’ve learned that scheduling exercise is essential to maintaining my sanity and overall health.
In addition to setting aside dedicated exercise time, there are other ways to infuse physical activity into your everyday life without disrupting your busy schedule. Here are 10 effective strategies to help you move more during your daily routine:
10 Things Incorporate More Physical Activity
1. Take the Stairs:
While this advice might sound mundane, it remains one of the most effective ways to boost your daily physical activity. Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. Not only does this elevate your heart rate, but it also improves balance and lower-extremity strength. For an added challenge, try doing heel raises or taking two steps at a time.
2. Incorporate Walking Meetings:
If you work from home or participate in virtual meetings, consider scheduling a walking meeting during one call each day. These mobile discussions are not only a refreshing change of pace but also enhance creativity and mental acuity. If you’re in an office, take your one-on-one meetings on the go to strengthen team bonds and stimulate innovative ideas.
3. Lunge Through Errands:
Make the most of your shopping trips by incorporating walking lunges down the supermarket aisles while holding onto your cart. This fun and effective activity can help you squeeze in 10-20 lunges per aisle, contributing to your daily movement.
4. Sit on an Exercise Ball:
Swap your office chair for a stability ball. This simple switch can alleviate back pain, enhance posture, and provide opportunities for gentle mobility stretches. Engage your core stabilizers by simulating a hula-hoop motion or tucking and untucking your pelvis. You can also perform seated marches and other exercises while working at your desk.
5. Park Farther Away:
When safety allows, park your car further from your destination’s entrance. These extra minutes of walking accumulate over time and can substantially increase your daily step count.
6. Prioritize Intimacy:
Engaging in sexual activity is not only enjoyable but also burns calories, approximately 3.1 calories per minute for women and 4.2 calories for men. So, take the opportunity to bond with your partner while staying active.
7. Foster a Pet:
Local shelters and adoption agencies often seek volunteers to walk dogs. Gather your family for a rewarding outdoor activity that benefits both you and the community, while also teaching your children about compassion and care.
8. Host a Dance Party:
Clear your living room of furniture and put on some music. Dancing is a fun way to burn calories, improve balance, and boost coordination. Make it a family activity and introduce your kids to some classic tunes.
9. Revamp Game Night:
Transform your family game night by swapping cards or board games for active games like hide and seek, scavenger hunts, or Twister. These games are suitable for all ages and can be played indoors or outdoors, providing both fun and physical activity.
10. Exercise During TV Time:
While it may challenge the concept of ‘binge and chill,’ using your TV time for physical activity can make a significant difference. Whether you walk on a treadmill, use a stationary bike, stretch, or do bodyweight exercises, integrating movement into your viewing routine can accumulate substantial exercise time.
Remember, consistency is key. Start with small changes, like a few lunges or taking the stairs, and gradually build on them. These simple adjustments can lead to a more active and healthier lifestyle.
In conclusion, finding ways to incorporate movement into your daily life doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By implementing these strategies, you can easily increase your daily physical activity without the need for dedicated exercise time.”